Uncovering America’s Hidden Gems: 17 Must-Visit Destinations for Your 2024 Vacation

Photo by Aaron Kittredge: https://www.pexels.com/photo/the-wave-marble-canyon-arizona-3624330/

As the travel bug bites and we eagerly plan our getaways for the year, a recent survey has shed light on Americans’ travel preferences for 2024. According to the survey, a staggering 91% of Americans are gearing up to explore domestic destinations, with 40% planning to travel more than they did in the previous year. If you’re among those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle and discover hidden treasures off the beaten path, we’ve got you covered.

Exploring the Unknown

With a mission to unearth some of the USA’s best-kept secrets, BonusFinder.com utilized a list of the most beautiful places in the country and turned to Instagram to identify those with the lowest number of location tags. The result? A curated selection of 17 hidden gems that promise awe-inspiring beauty and serenity.

America’s Best-Kept Secrets

1. Thor’s Well – Oregon (15,300 tags)
Situated in the quaint town of Yachats, Oregon, Thor’s Well is a mesmerizing natural wonder that appears to be a bottomless drain for the surrounding sea. With only 15,300 location tags on Instagram, this spectacle is best admired during high tide.

2. Skagit Valley – Washington (18,000 tags)
Skagit Valley in Washington is a feast for the eyes, boasting vibrant tulip fields that rival those of Holland. With just 18,000 location tags on Instagram, it’s a hidden gem waiting to be explored.

3. Palouse – Idaho, Washington, and Oregon (22,300 tags)
The rolling hills of the Palouse, spanning parts of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, offer a picturesque landscape shaped by windblown dust and silt over thousands of years. With 22,300 location tags, it’s a tranquil escape from the ordinary.

4. The Wave – Arizona (24,900 tags)
Located in Arizona, The Wave captivates visitors with its stunning sandstone rock formations and vibrant hues. With limited permits available each day to preserve its delicate ecosystem, it’s a truly exclusive experience.

5. Monterey County – California (30,400 tags)
Monterey County in California beckons with its pristine waters and iconic Bixby Creek Bridge, offering breathtaking views that are sure to mesmerize. With 30,400 location tags, it’s a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.