Survey Reveals Job Seekers Who Used ChatGPT Negotiated Higher Salaries, a resource for professional resume templates and career advice, has published a recent survey report comparing the experiences of job seekers who utilized ChatGPT during the job search process to those who did not. The report also shares insight into how and why job seekers use ChatGPT.

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In February, surveyed 1,000 workers in the United States who have actively engaged in a job search this past year.

According to survey findings, 18 percent of respondents reported using ChatGPT during the job search process. The data also showed that younger, male job seekers were the most likely groups to use the AI tool. The most common ways job seekers leverage ChatGPT are for research, resume creation, interview preparation, and cover letter creation. Other uses include email communication, assessment completion, and interview assistance.

“Job seekers should definitely use AI to help them with the job search process, but it needs to be utilized with caution,” says Resume Builder’s Resume and Career Strategist Julia Toothacre. “AI is pulling its information from what is online and not all advice and information is accurate. Also, the world of work shifts frequently, and the preferences of recruiters and hiring managers are unique.”

Survey results also highlight why job seekers use ChatGPT. Eighty-eight percent of users say they utilize the tool to “improve application quality,” 76 percent say to “appear more professional,” and 65 percent say “to save time.”

The survey also found those who used ChatGPT were more likely to receive interview invitations and negotiate higher salaries compared to those who did not use the tool. However, 29 percent of users reported not getting hired because the employer became aware of their use of ChatGPT in the hiring process. Conversely, 55 percent received praise from prospective employers for their use of the tool.

This survey was commissioned by and conducted online by the survey platform Pollfish. It was launched on Feb. 29, 2024, and consisted of 1,000 respondents. To qualify for the survey, all participants had to answer that they had actively engaged in a job search within the past year. To view the complete report, please visit: Job Seekers Report. For the Survey, please see: survey


  1. Well done!