For those with rosacea-prone or acne-prone skin, finding a retinoid that delivers results without triggering irritation can feel like an impossible task. Enter Barefaced’s RetinAL Skin Therapy, a gentle yet powerful solution designed to redefine how sensitive skin approaches retinoids.

Estimated to be up to 20 times more effective than traditional retinol, RetinAL Skin Therapy features a time-released delivery system that ensures continuous performance over several hours. This not only enhances the potency of its active ingredients but also minimizes irritation, making it easier for users to stick to their skincare routine.
What sets this product apart? In addition to retinaldehyde—a stronger yet more tolerable retinoid—it contains bakuchiol, a plant-based alternative to retinol known for its calming properties, along with other soothing ingredients to support sensitive skin.
To help users incorporate RetinAL Skin Therapy effectively, Barefaced has created the Rule of 3s:
- Month 1: Apply every third night
- Month 2: Apply every other night
- Month 3: Apply nightly or on alternating nights
This gradual approach allows skin to adjust to the product, reducing the risk of sensitivity while maximizing its benefits.
RetinAL Skin Therapy is part of Barefaced’s commitment to creating results-driven, medical-grade skincare. Founded by Nurse Practitioner Jordan Harper, the brand emphasizes science-backed formulations that work for all skin types.